How do I know if God saved me?

God's Promise

When God saves someone, they become born again (John 3:3) and a child of God. In fact, all of Heaven rejoices over a sinner who repents (Luke 15:7). There is no greater joy then being forgiven, knowing God, and the promise of going to Heaven! When God saves someone, their life should radically change as they become conformed into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).

Signs of Salvation

Here are some things that should start to happen to a believer in Christ:

  • They will love God and want to keep His commandments
  • They will become more convicted over sin in their life and want to change
  • They will rather suffer for Christ, than sin against Him
  • They will pray to God regularly
  • They will want to follow Jesus and be more like Him
  • They will love Jesus above everything else in their life
  • They will want to read and study the Bible and apply what they learn
  • They will want to regularly attend a Bible teaching church
  • They will love other Christians and desire to have fellowship with them
  • They will want to tell others about Christ

How Grown to Grow in Faith

When God saves someone, their spiritual journey is certainly not finished. To learn how to put faith into action and grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ, please read How to Grow in Your Christian Faith for Biblical and practical steps on how to grow stronger spiritually.

Get in touch with us

Please contact us if you have any comments, questions or need prayer.

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